Met up with chi and hze...
Gossiped a lot. Haha:)

Hze gave us one of her teeth each. Haha:)

So so so happy:))))))
Haizzzz... When can we meet again??? :(
Had a good time with Hze on Wed:)
Went to KSL!!! The 1st time I go there!!! Haha:)
The shops there are so hard to find. We find a silver shop for 1/2 hour!!! Can You believe it!!! Walk and walk and walk also cannot find. Have to ask the information counter only found the shop.
The restaurants are hidden in the corners. Haha... So cute...
Somemore Hze found a cute guy in nokia shop... Haha:)

Holidays are over!!! I can't believe it!!!! The 5 weeks holiday just ended like this!!!! So fast!!! Haven't had enough, still in holiday mood. Haha:)
Clinicals started this Monday.
Supposingly I was posted to NCC but I received a call from my mentor last minute telling me that my posting hospital changed to gleneagles because NCC have visitor so cannot take in students. OMG!!! So troublesome. Need to check how to go!!!
It's an hour journey from my house to glene!!! What time must I wake up??!!! Haizzzz...
I also heard from my friend who previously posted there, they said that glene's supervisor are all very strict and they dun let us do anything. Then I might not be able to do my competency!!! Haizzzz...
After I went for 2 days I find that my supervisors are ok leh. Not like how they say. They are cute and funny and wiling to teach and also let me do quite a lot of things. Hmm... Maybe because we're yr 2 already so they can let us do hands on.
There are only 6 rt in glene!!! The 6 of them r like superwoman!!! Haha.. Everything do themselves as compared to NCC which has so so so many rt. Haha:) because it's a small department, the patients not too many. The other treatment room which treat special cases always finishes early and will come to our room and gossip. Talk talk talk those useless stuff. Haha:) very funny ahh. Our room always filled with laughter. Dunno how the patients think ahhh. Haha)
Well, I think I'll survive for this week in glene. Next week will go back to NCC d:)
Hope I'll survive there for another 3 weeks~~