Today we have this MRS practical.
These are our results...
Like it so so much:)
(not real hand o... It's a phantom's hand)
This is the lateral, PA and oblige view of left phalanges.Lateral and PA view of left thumb.
Haha... This is the interesting 1...
Those are the names of the 10 of us:) and a part of the phantom's thumb
We done it without the teacher's knowledge... Shhh....
Hi i'm back after a long long disappearance from blogging...
Just went to school for a week and i'm going to die... it's TIRING!!!
everyday travel to and fro isn't the right choice...
it's very hard to estimate the time... custom jam is unpredictable!!!!!!!
sometimes reach there too early sometimes late...
i've been late for 2 classes just because of the custom and causeway jams!!! damn it!!! (oops!!! should refine my language) haha...
All right this is my school life:
everyday 9am start school except mon and fri and also weekend (of course)
mon and fri will start at 10am
but fri it ends at 8pm... it's late and when i reach home it's 11++... it's very very tiring...
no matter it's 9am or 10am i also have to wake up very very early just to avoid the jams... T.T
it's not fun at all:(
The school is freaking big lo... i almost lost myself tat day... luckily there's directory...
tat day i walked the whole school from blk h till blk p just to find the library... and the library is at BLK A... OMG so stupid to walk the whole school... haha...
o ya and there's a very funny classmate... he's a malay and he knows tat i'm malaysian... so he ask:" kau paham melayu tak?" then i say faham....
then u know wat he said?
he said:" saya tak faham."
haha... the whole class laugh... funny right...
he didn't learn malay and his parent din speak malay to him so he doesn't understand...
and he say tat limau is tiger.... haha... cute...
there are only 10 person in my tutorial class... should say tat only 10 person who took this course... i'm the only malaysian there!!! the others are all singaporean!!! OMG it's uneven...
but then there are 5 malays and 5 chinese... there's the even part... haha...
there are many lecturers tat are malaysian too... 1 of my lecturer he also travel everyday... (should tumpang his car... haha...)
this school is so so so high tech... everything is computerize... exams and tests are taken thro net... so everyone hv to own a laptop... so i chiao dao 1... hahaha... (so so so happy:P)
but think of the caryying it part... it's so heavy and i hv to carry it travelling for 2++ hours... haizz.... i'm already very short... wat if i become short because of this??? sob... sob... T.T
haizz... must rent a room there d...
o ya... 1 of my classmate she say she can let me stay at her house... but there's a problem... she say i can stay if i dun scared of cats... u guys guess how many cats she has in her house... it's exaggarating!!!
she has 22 cats in her house... she say she can remember every single cat name and know tat wat they like to eat and wat they cannot eat... wow she's really a CAT LOVER!!!
unfortunately i dun like cats... they have a scary faces at night and they r like ghost... their eyes are so errie at night... yiyee... geli.... and they are very noisy when they "si chun"... hahaha...
Hope tat there's a room available with the price i can afford... (hope to get bursary)